Plan IS™

Plan IS™ is an individual participant level record keeping system for administering all types of defined contribution retirement plans. Plan IS™ supports conventional commingled account and participant directed account plans with ease. It can be used to administer SEPs, KEOGH, profit sharing, money purchase, ESOPs, 401(k), Section 457 Deferred Compensation, Section 403(b) and other retirement plans.

It is for use by administrators of employee retirement plans such as third party administrators, life insurance company pension administrators, accounting and law firms, bank trust departments, private employers who administer their own plans, and others.

When used with its companion product, Benefits IS™, a system for flexible benefit (cafeteria) plans, the two systems are integrated so that employee data entered for one system is available in both. Another companion product, Trust IS™, provides the plan (employer) level accounting including full asset management and reporting.

Another companion product, Trust IS™, provides the plan (employer) level accounting including full asset management and reporting.

Plan IS™ provides for unlimited investments, 99 sources of contributions, automated pricing, and daily asset valuation. Assets are designated using CUSIP number and/or standard stock and bond TICKER symbols.

Plan IS™ allows multiple plan, multiple trustee and investment officer or administrator reporting. Controlled groups can be aggregated in discrimination testing and in most reports as well.

Plan IS™ works across multiple plans. Examples of this include automated dividend/interest allocation using income factor tables, based on units held or time weighted rate of return balances. Allocation may be based on "as of" balances.

Plan IS™ is a transaction based system. Detail transactions are kept on-line for as long as desired. This feature facilitates reconstruction of prior period statements and assists in responding to audit requests.

Plan IS™ can automatically generate ongoing transactions for contributions. Historic records of contribution investment choices as well as elected percentages are maintained and can change as often as desired. It can receive contribution data from payroll systems operating on the same system, by on-line communications from other systems, or through data interchange using compatible magnetic media.

Plan IS™ maintains multiple vesting schedules by source based on date of employment or plan inception. It tracks plan eligibility rules and reports participation dates for new employees.